Social Media and Content Marketing
We live in a world full of content driven social media campaigns. The methods of using traditional marketing techniques are not as powerful as they once were. Content marketing is much more than creating, distributing and sharing content in order to engage audiences, generate leads, improve branding, and other marketing goals.
It needs a strategic approach and that’s what a content marketing strategy is all about. Content marketing fits in a broader integrated marketing strategy and it requires a strategy of its own. However, just as all other strategies regarding specific marketing techniques (email marketing or social media marketing, for instance) such a strategy needs to be integrated in a broader strategy.
Through a series of questions and answers I can help you find your niche, find your brands voice and create stunning marketing that will lead to real inbound leads.
Some questions to think about are:
Q. Why do you need a content marketing strategy? What is the goal?
Q. Who are your customers and what are their content needs and preferences?
Q. Which marketing and other organizational goals can we realize or improve by better using content marketing?
Q. Which content marketing metrics and key performance indicatiors do we need to gauge for success?
Q. How can we create a manageable content schedule?
Q. How do we forecast and get budgets when no existing budgets can be tapped into or adapted?
This is just a brief overview of how I can help. Through social media and content marketing I have helped skateboards companies increase direct sales by 200%, newspapers reach wider audiences and generate more engagement and revenue and personally help myself sell more photos and find more photo gigs.
Let’s start a conversation!
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